Monday, September 10, 2007

Dota Tip: Bone Clinkz Rigged

Ok surely everyone knows this sad little hero in DOTA, using stealth or wind walk - this little freak can pop up almost anywhere and kill almost anyone. If the Bone Clinkz hero gets into trouble he simply wind walks. Suck central? You bet.

Now, if you buy a gem or gem of true sight as they are called, you may detect this little pain in da rear hero - but his movement speed is quite huge and the little freak will use his own gem or wards to kill off your stealth detection modes.

While he is a 'cheap' hero, and one that makes his opposition nerd players want to commit suicide afterwards - he does require a good amount of skill to master. World professional DOTA players such as Heffa and Tubby (real names Alex Heffernan and Daniel Telford) give the following tips for when playing Bone Clinkz. Movement speed, and damage. If you have both of these you can win most fights and escape some you are losing.

When teams try to gank or hunt you in packs, then remember the DOTA tip: use the speed Luke! I am your father. No No, seriously - get your little scrawy butt outta there and sprint into the forest around where the neutral creeps (scourage or sentinel are)

Good Luck with Bone Clinkz and thanks for joining us at DOTA tips.


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